Sea Diamond

Thu, 05/24/2018 - 17:37


Municipal Port Fund of Thira
Fira Thira No. Prot.: 1312/22-05-2018
No. Declaration: 4/2018
The Municipal Port Fund of Thira publishes a public invitation for the recovery and removal of the shipwreck "SEA DIAMOND" outside the bay of Fira, its area of responsibility.
The deadline for submitting expressions of interest is 07/02/2018, Monday at 10:00 a.m., at the offices of the Municipal Port Fund of Thira in Fira, Thira.
Expressions of interest must be accompanied by the supporting documents required in article 1 of sub no. 04/2018 Declaration.
The period of validity of the offers is defined as the deadline of ninety (90) days  and the deadline of three hundred (300) days from the date of issuance of the relevant permits is defined as the execution time of the works.
The date of publication of the Declaration in the Greek Press is set as 23rd/05/2018.
The Declaration is also distributed during the hours  09:30-13:30  from the offices of the Municipal Port Fund of Thira and is registered on its website, at the online address